Mani Ratnam has been basking in the success of Chekka Chivantha Vaanam, which released on 27th September. The movie has been doing well at the box office and it has Vijay Sethupathi, Arvind Swamy, Jyothika Saravanan, “Silambarasan,” Prakash Raj, Arun Vijay, Aishwarya Rajesh, Aditi Rao Hydari, Dayana Erappa, “Jayasudha” and “Thiagarajan.” “A R Rahman” composed the music and the background score for the film has been highly appreciated by the audiences and the critics. Santosh Sivan handled the cinematography and the visuals are just stunning. Sreekar Prasad had edited the movie perfectly and with all the technical crew’s support, the film had impressed the audiences. The latest information about Mani Ratnam’s next has been revealed. Mani Ratnam will produce his next movie under his home Banner Madras Talkies. Again he will be producing the movie along with Subaskaran Allirajah of Lyca Productions. The details about the genre, star cast and the crew will be announced soon.