Thala Ajith has been busy shooting his 58th movie directed by “Siva.” After “Veeram,” “Vedalam” and “Vivegam,” Ajith Kumar has been playing in “Viswasam” with Siva. The film has ‘Nayanthara' as the female lead. Sathya Jyothi Films produces the movie and Ajith is seen in dual getups. The film also has “Vivek,” Kovai Sarala, Ravi Awana, Yogi Babu, Thambi Ramaiah, Robo Shankar, Ramesh Thilak and Bose Venkat. “D Imman” composes the music and Vetri cranks the camera and “Antony L Ruben” deals with the cuts. The third schedule has been going on at an exciting pace in Hyderabad. The latest to join the set is Mukhtar Khan, who is popular for his role in Unnai Pol Oruvan with Kamal Haasan and Ganesh Venkatraman. The film will hit the screens on 2019 Pongal.