“Time Enna Boss” is a science fiction web series broadcast on the Amazon Prime network and focuses on the concept of time travel. Based in modern-day Chennai, the serial tells the story of a simple IT guy named Bala who shares his house with four random time travelers, each belonging to a different timeline. He can’t explain the whole situation or can do anything about it right away because it turned out as the result of an experiment gone disastrously wrong. Bharathi is an ISRO scientist who is proud of her name and status belongs from 1975/1976, Killi is a gigantic simpleton who belongs from the 10th century, Hannah is an Anglo- Indian clean freak from the year 1895, Buggy is a bot like superhuman/robot who belongs from the future that is the year 2075. Each of them ends up in Bala’s room and has no clue how they ended up there and how to get back in their original timelines.
However, each of them, including Bala himself, is determined to do something in their life that they have failed to do by far. Some want to correct their past mistakes, while others want to do better for the future. While some want to live life as it is and learn from the whole process as much as possible. Buggy has the most exciting character arcs because he is technically a robot. He comes to terms with certain human emotions and learns about many new things, the existence of water being one of them. Overall, this series might seem interesting for science lovers and is worth the watch.