There are many great series of films that everyone cherishes and that are popular in cinemas. From Mad Max to the great The Lord Of The Rings, these are some great trilogies that have made a place in everyone's hearts. Here are some of the most fantastic movie trilogies of all time.
Iron Man is an action film released in 2008. This film was directed by John Favreau. The main cast of this film is
Robert Downey Jr
One of the Hollywood’s elite and utmost paid actor >> Read More...
Terrence Howard
Terrence was born to Anita Jeanine Williams and Ty >> Read More...
Gwyneth Paltrow
She is known to be one of the most charismatic and >> Read More...
, and
Jeff Bridges
Jeff Bridges is a movie actor as well as a produce >> Read More...
. This film is about a wealthy man who builds a superhero suit to fight against evil. The sequel to this film was made in the years 2010 and 2013.
Spiderman is an action film released in 2002. This film was directed by Sam Raimi. The main cast of this film is Tobey McGuire,
Willem Dafoe
He was considered to be one of the chillers in Hol >> Read More...
, Kristen Dunst, and
James Franco
James Franco is a prominent American actor and dir >> Read More...
. This film is about a boy who gets superhero powers and becomes Spiderman and uses his power to defeat the Green Goblin. The sequel to this film was released in 2004 and 2007.
Before Sunrise is a romantic film released in 1995, this film was directed by Richard Linklater. The main cast of this film is
Ethan Hawke
Ethan Green Hawke is a Hollywood actor, director, >> Read More...
Julie Delpy
Born in Paris, France to a theater director for a >> Read More...
, Erni Mangold, and Hanno Poschl. This film is about a man and a woman who meet on a train and spend a romantic date in Vienna. They promise each other they will meet again. The sequel to this film, Before Sunset, was released in 2004, and Before Midnight was released in 2013.
Mad Max is an action film released in 1980. This film was directed by
George Miller
Medical doctor turned director and producer George >>
. The main cast of this film is
Mel Gibson
Mel Gibson is an American multitalented filmmaker >>
, Joanne Samuel, Hugh Keays Byrne, and Steve Bisley. This film is about a self-destructing world and a policeman trying to stop a motorcycle gang. The sequel to this film was made in 1981 and 1985.
Back To The Future is a fantasy film released in 1985. This film was directed by Robert Zemeckis. The main cast of this film is Michael J. Fox, Christopher Llyod, and
Crispin Glover
Crispin Hellion Glover is an American actor. He is >> Read More...
. This film is about a boy who uses a time machine to go back and meet his parents in high school. The sequel to this was made in 1989 and 1990.
Captain America: The First Avenger is an action film released in 2011. This film was directed by
Joe Johnston
Giving life through his skills and making your eye >> Read More...
. The main cast of this film includes
Chris Evans
Christopher Robert Evans (Chris Evans) is a promin >> Read More...
Hayley Atwell
Hayley Atwell is a British American actress. She w >> Read More...
Sebastian Stan
Sebastian Stan is an actor of Romanian-American de >> Read More...
, and
Tommy Lee
Thomas Lee Bass aka Tommy Lee is an American music >> Read More...
. This film is about a man who gets superpowers from a serum, becomes Captain America, and fights against Red Skull and Hydra. The sequel to this film was made in 2014 and 2016.
Batman Begins is an action film released in 2005. This film was directed by
Christopher Nolan
Christopher Nolanwears mutliple hats. He is one of >> Read More...
. The main cast of this film includes
Christian Bale
He’s known to be one of the most talented and most >> Read More...
Michael Caine
One of the few-selected “Knighted” actors and one >> Read More...
Liam Neeson
I don't know who you are. I don't know wha >> Read More...
, and
Katie Holmes
Born two months premature, Katie Holmes is the dau >> Read More...
. This film is about a boy who loses his parents, becomes a superhero, and rescues Gotham City. The sequel to this film was The Dark Knight, released in 2008, and The Dark Knight Rises in 2012.
The Fellowship Of The Ring is a fantasy film released in 2001. This film was directed by
Peter Jackson
Peter Jackson is a New Zealand based director, pro >> Read More...
. The main cast of this film includes
Elijah Wood
Elijah Jordan Wood is an actor from Hollywood, and >> Read More...
, Alan Howard,
Ian McKellen
No writer could ever describe him. As a writer, fo >> Read More...
, and
Liv Tyler
Considered to be one of the “Sexiest Women Alive” >> Read More...
. This film is about a hobbit and his loyal friends joining a team to destroy a powerful ring and fight against an evil lord. The sequel to this film was made in 2002 and 2003.
The Godfather is a crime drama released in 1978. This film was directed by
Francis Ford Coppola
Francis Ford Coppola is a director, screenwriter, >>
. The main cast of this film is
Marlon Brando
Born on April 3, 1924, in Nebraska, U. S, Marlon B >> Read More...
Al Pacino
His movie “The Godfather” in 1972 was considered t >> Read More...
, and
James Caan
James Edmund Caan is a well- known actor in U.S.A. >> Read More...
. This film is about a crime boss and his children, ruling a mafia empire.
Three Colour Blues is a drama film released in 1993. This film was directed by Krzysztof Kieslowski. The main cast of this film is
Juliette Binoche
Juliette Binoche was born on 9th March, 1964, in t >> Read More...
, Florence Pernel, and Helena Vincent. This film is about a woman who is struggling with life after the deaths of her husband and daughter in a car crash. The sequel to this film was made in 1994.