Jeffrey Wright is an film actor. Jeffrey was born in Washington. His father died during his childhood, and his mother worked as a Lawyer. He completed his schooling at St.Albans from Washington, and further he decided to study on acting. Wright received his honorary degree in Alma mater, Amherst College, in 2004 after the student life at NYU for two months; he left his study to become a full-time actor. Wright is best known for his characters in "Quantum of Solace", "Angels in America" and "James Bond movies".
Jeffrey started his career by making his debut in the movie "
Presumed Innocent
Story soon
" in the year 1990. Besides films, he appeared on the television screen episodes. He depicted Biographer Howard Bingham in the Biopic Ali, which showcased the life story of the legendary boxer
Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali’s real name was Cassius Marcellus Cla >> Read More...
, played by
Will Smith
“Getting’ Jiggy With It!” This his own song releas >> Read More...
. In 1994, he enacted as Norman in the award-winning drama "Angels in America" which is directed by
Tony Kushner
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in which he was characterized as a gay therapist. In 1998, he enacted in the film celebrity as the supporting and dominant role which is directed by
Woody Allen
Heywood Allen, also known as Heywood “Woody” Allen >> Read More...
, which describes the conflicting ways taken by the couple after their divorce.
His leading skills motivated most famous show Boardwalk Empire to cast the Washington, D.C. native for the role of menacing Dr. Valentin Narcisse for the current season. In 1999, he enacted in an American civil war called Ride with the Devil which is directed by
Ang Lee
Ang Lee is a Taiwanese-origin filmmaker who has pr >> Read More...
this story is based on a book Woe to live on, written by author Daniel Woodrell. He created box office records worldwide with his latest film, The Hunger Games Catching Fire part 1 and part 2. Jeffrey Wright also delivered an assertive representation of
Martin Luther King
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in 2001 in the film called Boycott. Wright played in another film by HBO with a role called Lackawanna Blues in 2005.
He also cast in a start studded thriller film called Syriana which is directed by
Stephen Gaghan
Stephen Gaghan was born on May 6, 1965, at Louisvi >> Read More...
. In 2006, Wright created a history by becoming the first actor of the non-whites to take on the role of the movie Felix Letter. He at an interview stated that he don’t really consider himself as a Black Man in Hollywood. Wright in an interview said that the most favorite characters of his until now are the Busquiat, a wild child in the city at one point which resembles his story too.
Jeffrey married actress Carmen Ejogo in 2000, and they had two children. Unfortunately, they have recently divorced. Now, he lives in Brooklyn,
New York
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. He is the founder of Tata Lion Resources, which focuses on ethical and sustainable mining and his generous attitude showcases the help done by him for the elimination of deadliest disease Ebola. The actor earned both Emmy and Golden Globe for his excellent performance as supporting actor and even the Tony award.