Someone who strives to make an impact with his every release, Joe Carnahan is a box full of creativity and pushes himself forward to make an experience more than a movie endeavor.
Born on May 9, 1969 with the birth name Joseph Aaron Carnahan, he is a multi-talented personality with creativity running through his veins. He has been the director of ‘Blood, Guts Bullets and Octane’, ‘Narc’, ‘The Hire: Ticker’, ‘Smokin’ Aces’ and played roles in ‘Blood, Guts Bullets and Octane’, ‘The A-Team’ and Dino Dash. He is also a dedicated and passionate writer and written movies like ‘Taco Heaven’, ‘Narc’, ‘Pride and Glory’ and many more.
In an interview he admits that he knows his limitations but at the same time he works really hard and evens the gap.
He received huge appreciation for his first movie named ‘Blood, Guts Bullets and Octane’ which had a gala performance in NY Independent Feature Film Market and another at Sundance Film Festival.
His film Narc and Smokin’ Aces were released in 2002 and 2007 respectively. After these came his two major hits Giving out a positive vibe everywhere, he has taken up multiple projects subsequent to his first success. Some of which such as The A-Team and
The Grey
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have led to an enhancement in the era of filmography in the U.S.A.
Next he put in 15 months in Mission Impossible-3 and made friends he will value for life. It taught him many things especially ‘What not to!. His chance, coincidence and faith was yet to be tested.
He completed his business of Mission Impossible-3 with his dream project ‘The Grey’. In spite of the success of ‘The A-Team’ he wanted to be taken seriously and so this was one life and death situation movie. Shooting in adverse phases of Mother Nature, he even played with the Wolverines. This thing started with simplicity which could be exploited with his creativity. He is also a part of NBC’s The Blacklist wherein he directed the ninth episode named Anslo Garrick and has written sixteenth.
Creativity runs in the family. His one brother Matthew Michael Carnahan is a screenwriter (with whom he is writing the film version of the comic Nemesis) and other Lean Carnahan who is a producer.
Lately, he is in talks for writing and directing film version of the game series ‘Uncharted’. When talked about the same, he says the protagonist is not good but better than the rest. With his production company which is in collaboration with Franc Grillo named ‘War Party’, he wants to make movies he is passionate about.
Represent.Us’ Creative Council identified her excitement and passion for the film community and he presently serves there as an active member.
He says, “It should be incumbent on you and a burden on you to keep swinging and get that version of your movie which you can call your own.”