Mr Fraud is a Malayalam thriller based film. The storyline revolves around a con artist and his assistant who plans a loot in a royal household. The film is directed and written by B. Unnikrishnan. The cast includes Mohanlal, Dev Gill, Vijay Babu Vijay Babu is a popular South Indian actor, who ha >> Read More... , Miya George The young Indian model and South Indian actress Gi >> Read More... , Pallavi Purohit Pallavi Purohit is a gorgeous Indian actress who c >> Read More... , Kalasala Babu Kalasala Babu is one of the prominent cine actors >> Read More... , Balabhaskar, Balachandran Chullikadu, Devan, Manjari Fadnis, Rahul Madhav Rahul Madhav is one among the actors presently hav >> Read More... , Siddique, VK Sriraman and Stunt Silva Stunt Silva was born in Tuticorin, TamilNadu. He s >> Read More... . A. V. Anoop is the producer of the movie. Satheesh Kurup Satheesh Kurup is an Indian cinematographer who pr >> Read More... handles the cinematography. Gopi Sunder dealt with the soundtrack. Manoj edited the script.
The story's plot revolves around a royal house and its family members, who are known for their wealth. Bhai ji is a con artist who robs people. He is assigned the task of robbing this royal household. He had looted many houses and banks, but this is the riskiest one. He disguises himself as John Cliff. He demands rupees 500 crore to execute the plan. The royal household had two heirs, Ravindra and Mahendra Verma. They appoint a private assistant, Sivaram, from Jaipur. He was supposed to measure the treasure’s value. However, before Sivaram arrived in the house he was kidnapped by Bhai ji. Bhai ji then pretended to be Sivaram. With the help of his assistant, Abbas and Priya, he successfully carried out the loot. However, the loot resulted in the bloodshed of many members of the royal family. Some of them didn’t even want to have the treasure.
At the end Bhai ji loots the treasure. There was a statue of a goddess. Bhai ji talks to it before leaving the place, assuring that money is taken away and is in good hands. When Saraswathy asked Bhai ji his real name he asked her to call him Mr. Fraud.
Star performance
The main character of the story is Bhai ji. Mohanlal plays his character. He depicts Bhai ji perfectly as a con artist. The balance between emotions of his character is palpable as Bhai ji is not completely heartless he helps the members of royal household to solve the issues related to treasure. He delivered a nuanced performance which kept audience's on the screen throughout the movie.
His assistant, Abbas, played by Vijay babu and Priya played by Manjari Phadnis Manjari Phadnis is an Indian actress and model who >> Read More... . Both of them delivered fantastic performance in the movie. Their presence made the storyline more fun. Other supporting casts like Sai Kumar He was born on July 27, 1960 in Vijayanagaram, And >> Read More... , Dev Gill, Miya, and V. K. Sreeraman have also delivered a nuanced performance. They highlights Bhai ji’s character who is the protagonist in the movie.
Mr. Fraud is a Malayalam action-based movie. The plot of the story revolves around a money heist planed by a con artist along with his assistant plans in a royal house. The storyline is quite intense and exciting. It makes the movie more authentic. It forms a unique thriller story. The pace of the film is perfect, it keeps audience’s attention balanced. However, the movie’s script is unrealistic and it becomes boring. The film is watchable, but there is nothing exceptional about it.
The main cast of the movie specifically Mohanlal as Bhai ji, and his portrayal of Sivaram is fantastic. The supporting cast have also delivered a nuanced performance highlighting the main moto of the movie. The film also have an amazing cinematography. The soundtracks are also enjoyable and thrilling. It perfectly depecits the authentic elements of the film.
What's there?Â
What's not there?
Mr. Fraud is a watchable movie. The themes of film are action and thriller. The story line is quite unique and interesting. It is a one-time watch. It is a rare find.
Comedy, Thriller
02 Hour 18 Minutes
Mohanlal, Miya George, Vijay Babu, Vijayakumar, Siddique, Manjari Phadnis, Pallavi Purohit, Sai Kumar, Rahul Madhav, P. Balachandran, Devan, Suresh Krishna, Rajeev Parameshwar, Balaji Sarma, V. K. Sreeraman, Kalasala Babu, Sathaar, Balachandran Chullikkadu, Biju Pappan, Sriranjani, Gopi Sundar, Stunt Silva
Plot revolves around Comedy, Thriller, etc.
Yes, it's rated UA
No, it will be available soon on Amazon Prime Video