The show Jodi Number One has a different concept compared to other reality shows. On this show, couples from the Tamil Television Industry competed against each other. The real life couples, who otherwise portray various roles on the television, got a chance to show another side of their personality. The show airs on Vijay TV on Friday and Saturday at 8 pm. The basic concept of the show has been derived from a Hindi Dance Reality show Nach Baliye. It was also a dance show where real-life couples competed for the trophy. The channel Vijay TV gained a huge amount of fame from this show. Now, Vijay TV Channel is renowned for its reality shows. The first season of the show was premiered on October in the year 2006. Jodi Number One had four fictional couples and four real life couples.
They engaged in a dance competition for 13 weeks. Initially, the judge's panel included Ramya Krishnan Ramya Krishnan is a South Indian movie and TV actr >> Read More... , Kala, and Prashanth. The judges chose the first two finalists of the show. The third finalist was chosen by the audience. There were two wild cards on the show, Pooja, and Prem. They won the show and went back home with 10 lakh rupees and a trophy. Jodi Number 1 , season 2 was launched due to the love received for its first season. The Tamil audience seemed to like the show very much. The second season of the show had many small-screen couples and 8 new celebrity couples. Aishwarya and Dev, Lakshmi, Arvind, Preethi, Tinku, etc were some of the couples in season 2. Tinku and Preethi won the second season of Jodi Number 1.
They also got a prize money of 10 lakhs. In this season, Nisha and Venkat got the Best Performance Award. They took home brand new Chevy Spark. The winners of the third series were Priya and Kiran. The 3rd series came out after the second season and also before the third season of Jodi Number One. During the show, the team showed small footages of the real life of the couples, their friends, families, and their practices for the competition. Priyadarshini and Deepak were the hosts of the fourth season of the show Jodi Number One. The judges were Sangeetha, Radhika, Shobana, and Gauthami. The show was won by Premini and Prem Gopal. The first runner-up of the show was Divyadarshini and Satish Krishnan. Rajni and Manikandan were the second runner-up.