Hamari Devrani is a prominent Indian drama television series which was aired on Star Plus channel every Monday to Friday at 1:30 P.M. The series was premiered on May 26, 2008 and became one of the longest running television serials in India that completed a total of 951 episodes. It is directed by
Pawan Sahu
, Praveen Sudan, Suraj Rao and
Vikram Labhe
and produced by Shobhana Desai under her own banner, Shobhana Desai Productions.
It is a story about a poor girl, Bhakti Mohan Nanavati (played by
Eva Ahuja
) who lives in a small village in Gujarat. She was always called as unlucky after her mother died while giving birth to her and her father, Hasmukk have already abandoned her. She was raised by Kashiben, her maternal grandmother who protects her from all the people’s mocks and criticism. As she grew up, she gained no friends and no one to talk to. She doesn’t even have someone beside her or a parent to be with her. And this led her to become a loner and petrified to everybody. Whenever she asked Kashiben about her mother and father, Kashiben was always hesitant to answer. She will always show Baby Lord Krishna to Bhakti and told her that this will save her from any situation. Bhakti would always take it unequivocally and she called it as Laddoo Gopal. After some time, Kashiben brings her to Ahmedabad where Bhakti’s father stayed. However, Hasmukh and her present wife humiliate her and then throw her out of the house.
In the meantime, Devkiben Nanavati (played by
Zankhana Sheth
), an old widowed woman stayed in Ahmedabad together with her 6 sons and 5 daughters-in-law. They are rich and famous so everyone in Ahmedabad knows them. The daughter-in-laws came from the Manjula, Rajeshwari, Parul, Jalpa and Apla family wanted Mohan Nanavati (played by
Madhav Deochake
and later replaced by
Paresh Bhatt
), the youngest son of Devkiben, to marry a woman who will not ask for anything including their money and properties; someone who will make them as their puppet. Until one day, Bhakti would go to the temple and one of her soon-to-be elder sister-in-law would see her and pick her for Mohan because of her ignorant, sensitive and naïve looks. As the story goes, she will marry Mohan and will later be maltreated with her 5 sisters-in-law. But in the end, they will start loving Bhakti and Mohan.Â
A twist of the story is bound to happen with Padmini’s character that is in love with Mohan. She will abduct Bhakti during her pregnancy thinking that she can get Mohan with her vicious way. But eventually, the police caught her and Bhakti dies while giving birth to her daughter, Astha Nanavati (played by
Vidhi Sindhwad
), a mentally disabled child.Â
The story took a seventeen year leap and Astha was raised by her aunties. Raj’s (played by
Winy Tripathi
) character was seen in the story. A priest told him that his first wife will die. He is in love with Shikha (played by
Divya Naaz
Ekta Saraiya
), the daughter of Padmini and adopted of the Nanavati family, and together, they created a plan of marrying Astha. After Raj and Astha’s marriage, Raj, Shikha and Rasila planned to murder Astha but miraculously, she always survived; until the five daughter-in-laws made revenge against Raj and Rasila.
Mohan later marries Vrinda (played by Eva Ahuja); but the Nanavatis think that she is just there to get some money. But eventually, they will realize that she is indeed a nice woman. The Nanavati’s daughter will also come in the story to steal some money from their house. They will abduct Astha but Vrinda will save her and the kidnappers will be put in jail. At the end of the story, the Nanavatis celebrates because of Vrinda’s pregnancy.