Vishal Reddy, the General Secretary of Nadigar Sangam, has sent a letter to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi regarding the Jallikattu issue. It is heard that Vishal will be flying to Delhi to meet the PM to speak about the farmers' issue and lift the ban on Jallikattu. Already a lot of film fraternities including “Rajinikanth,” Kamal Haasan, “Sathyaraj,” RJ Balaji, Raghava Lawrence, “Sivakarthikeyan,” “G V Prakash Kumar,” “S Ve Shekher” and Sripriya Sethupathi have been supporting Jallikattu. However, the first step was taken by Hiphop Tamizha Adhi. The protest to lift the ban on Jallikattu has been going continuously for the past three days.