Judgement Day is a Bengali crime thriller television series released on 5 February 2020, available on Zee5. It is the story of two sisters from North Bengal, Diya and Hiya. Hiya gets raped when she visits Kolkata, and her sister Diya becomes an advocate to fight for justice for her sister. The series portrays how Diya faces the challenges of bringing justice to her sister. Diya fights the justice system fearlessly for bringing justice to her sister. Judgement Day is directed by Ayan Chakraborty under the production of Camellia Production House. The series stars Sohini Sarkar as Diya, Madhumita Sarcar as Hiya, Abhishek Singh as ACP Javed Khan, Kaushik Sen as Lawyer Sujay Dutta Burman, Rupsa Chatterjee as Buni, Surbat Dutt as Criminal Lawy...
Kark Rogue is a Hindi crime thriller web series broadcast on the Zee 5 channel. Set up primarily in Kolkata, the story starts from untimely deaths of a series of citizens of Kolkata, one after another. Beas Banerjee, the female lead character of this movie is an autopsy surgeon. She is also suffering from breast cancer and has to get operated. The first death is of a lady named Dr. Indulekha Agarwal. She gets mauled by a big car. Two motorcyclists were following her and as soon as she gets hit they steal something from her. The inspector, Barur Sarkar present on the crime scene finds a diary near the dead body but when Ravikanth Agarwal, the husband of the dead woman, comes to ask if anything was found near his wife’s body, the ins...
Water Bottle is a Bengali ZEE5 Original drama series released on ZEE5 on 11 June 2019. The Tathagata Mukherjee-directed drama series has five episodes. Water Bottle features Anusha Vishwanathan (as Basabdatta), Rajatava (as Jyotileshwar), Anirban Chakraborti (As Alok Maity), Suhotro Mukhopadhyay (As Subho), Chiranjeet Chakraborty (As Mriganko), Sumit Samaddar (As Ramratan), Amit Saha (As Nabadwip), Satrabit Paul (As Parimal), Sanjib Sarkar (As Snehasish), Kushal Chakraborty (As the Commissioner), Tathagata Banerjee (As Jyotileshwar' s father), Jayashree Mukherjee (As Jyotileshwar's mother), and Sanjay Guchait (As Pada). Water Bottle is a psychological crime and thriller drama series revolving around a...
Lalbazaar is an Indian web series. The series falls under the very popular genre of crime drama. The show follows a set of brave cops in the dark underbellies of Kolkata who come across a strange case. Ruby is a sex worker who is three months pregnant. She is found murdered in the opening few minutes of the show and the cops arrive to investigate the murder. Her body is sent to the morgue for further investigation. Officer Sabir Ahmad is leading the investigation. Later that night, some people try to steal the body of Ruby while being watched by Suranjan Sen. After the cops come to know about this they get suspicious of this. Soon other bodies start piling up in the different regions of the city.
A special team of able cops set o...