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English Screenplay Writer Nicholas Kazan
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Nicholas Kazan is a screenwriter, director, and producer. He was born on September 15, 1945, in New York Click to look into! >> Read More... , US. Nicholas is the son of Academy Award winner director Elia Kazan, and his first wife, Molly Kazan. He got married to Robin Swicord in 1984. His wife is also a well-known screenwriter and director. The screenplay of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, the movie which received an Oscar nomination, was written by her.

He has two daughters named Zoe Kazan Zoe Kazan is an American playwright and actress. H >> Read More... and Maya Kazan. Both of them are American actresses. Nicholas' journey of becoming a screenwriter began with a play called Ballgame which he wrote in his college days. He was more into theater until the late 1980's. During this period, he worked for The Impact Company of the Improvisational Theater Project as a writer and also produced a few plays in New York.

He made his screenwriting debut with Showboat 1988 in 1977. He was one of the four writers of the movie. Another film he penned with Christopher Devore and Eric Bergren was a biopic named Frances. Though, it was not a huge success. The next film he wrote was – At Close Range. In 1990, he wrote the screenplay of Reversal of Fortune, a movie about a man Claus von Bulow accused of murdering his wife, Sunny von Bulow.

This movie was a milestone in Nicholas' life. He got an Oscar nomination for Reversal of Fortune for Best Screenplay. He penned screenplays for many movies such as Patty Hearst, Mobsters, Dream Lover, Matilda, Homegrown, Fallen, Bicentennial Man, Enough, and The Whole Truth. Enough got released in 2002, and after that, he took a break from screenwriting. He made his comeback with Brilliant in 2012.

His recent work as a screenwriter is The Whole Truth, released in 2016. Nicholas established himself as a director in 1993. He made his directorial debut with Dream Lover in 1993. He also produced and co-produced a few movies including Silence, Fallen, Matilda, and Reversal of Fortune.


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