Kirk Jones took birth on 31st October of 1964. Professionally, he is a director as well as a screenwriter. He was born in Bristol of England. He was brought up at Long Ashton of Bristol. During 1970, he went to Backwell Secondary School. During 1985-87, he attended “Newport Film School”. There he got specialization for drama direction and T.V. commercials. He completed his graduation in 1987 and was awarded with “National Student Film Award”. After that, he worked for production company of London. Firstly he worked there as a production runner and after that worked as an assistant for film editing.
While working in the cutting room, he kept his work continued for writing and directing his own movies. He received a silver award for his commercial of Mercedes in 1990 at the creative circle awards. After this, he got an invitation for joining “Xenium Production” as being the director. His movie “Absolut Vodka”, which was written and directed by him, got Silver awards in 1991. After that, he began to direct commercials of full time at Europe and London. He has even worked for some of the agencies like- Saatchi & Saatchi, Bogle, and Hegarty and Mother, Bartle. Glynis Murray, the producer of Kirk, made a setup for “Tomboy Films” and afterward, Kirk decided to join her.
He did this after receiving the award at “NABS” during 1994 and silver awards. He kept his direction continued for the commercials for his clients like Reebok, HSBC, The National Lottery and National Westminster Bank. He got Silver Lion in Cannes during 1996 for his campaign for Heinz. Even his campaign of Reebok got an award at Creative Circle and British TV Ad awards in 1998. He even got a nomination for “BAFTA” during 1999 for being the best newcomer. And this was for the movie “WAKING NED”, for which he worked as both writer and director.
His film Waking Ned became the second largest earning movie during that year into the world. This gave him awards for U.S. and Europe. These includes Grand Jury, Critics Prize for best comedy in France and Paris film festival audience award. During 2005, he did the direction for movie “Nanny MCPhee” for Universal Pictures. “
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” and “
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” were the actors. This movie was one of the 10 highest earning movies. It received $30m in the UK and $135m on the world basis. In 2008, he did the direction and writing for his third movie “Everybody’s Fine”. Actors of this film were-
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. This movie was an adaption of an Italian movie and got a release through “Miramax” in 2009 and 2010 through “Disney Worldwide”.