Steve Harvey, also known as Broderick Stephen "Steve" Harvey is an American television host, Comedian, Radio jockey, and an actor. He is known for hosting the show The Steve Harvey Talkshow, The Steve Harvey Morning Show, and Little Big Shots. He is also known for his work in the television series Family Feud. He is also the author of Think Like a Man and Act Like a Lady. Harvey also hosted the show Showtime at the Apollo. He has won a 13-time NAACP Image Award and three Daytime Emmy Award. Harvey was born in Welch, West Virginia on January 17, 1957.
His father, Jesse Harvey was a coal miner. He was named after the actor Broderick Crawford from a television series named Highway Patrol. Harvey was raised in Cleveland, Ohio. He completed his high school education in the year 1974 from Glenville High School. After completing his primary education, Harvey attended Kent State University and West Virginia University. He is also a member of a fraternity named Omega Psi Phi. He took up a lot of professions. He was an autoworker, a boxer, a carpet cleaner, insurance, and a mailman. Harvey first performed as a stand-up comedian in the year 1985. He performed at the Hilarities Comedian Club in Cleveland, Ohio.
Harvey struggled a lot in the initial days of his career. He was homeless during 1980 and spent most of the nights in his Ford. During that period he used to shower at Gas stations. In 1990, Harvey participated in the Annual Johnnie Walker National Comedy Search and came in second. After that, he became the host of the show It’s Showtime at the Apollo. He was so successful as a comedian that he was offered a role in the famous ABC series Me and the Boys. In 1996, he hosted the show named The Steve Harvey Show. The show ran for four years but was never critically acclaimed. In 1997, Harvey starred in a movie named The Original Kings of Comedy directed by Spike Lee Spike Lee also known as Shelton Jackson is an Amer >> Read More... . After that, a television series having the same name, starring Harvey was also released. The show’s name was later changed to Steve Harvey’s Big Time Challenge.
Harvey also appeared in the movie The Fighting Temptation in 2003. He performed his last stand-up act in 2012 in Las Vegas Serial Story Coming Soon... >> Read More... at the MGM Grand. Apart from the television screen, Harvey also worked as a Radio Jockey. He was the host of The Steve Harvey Morning show. The show ran for five years. In 2014, Harvey bought a Dating Website named Delightful. In 2015, Harvey hosted the Miss Universe 2015 Pageant. Harvey married Marcia Harvey and got Divorced. After that, he married Mary Shackelford and got divorced again in 2005. He is currently married to Marjorie Bridges who, according to Harvey made him a better man.