Mohini and “Junga” released today. Mohini is a horror thriller film directed by Ramana Madhesh, who is popular for his films Arasangam with “Vijayakanth” and “Madurey” with “Vijay.” Trisha Krishnan, Jackky Bhagnani, “Suresh,” Poornima Bhagyaraj, “Ganeshkar,” Yogi Babu, Lollu Sabha “Swaminathan” and Jangiri Madhumitha are in the star cast. For the first time, Trisha played a dual role. Mohini is entirely shot in London. Vivek – Mervin composed the songs and Arul Dev tuned the BGM. Lakshman Kumar produced the film. RB Gurudev is the cinematographer and Dinesh Ponraj edited the film. Junga is an action comedy entertainer directed by Gokul of Idharkku Thaane Aasaippattai Balakumara fame. Siddharth Vipin composed the music and "Dudley" is the cinematographer. Junga has the star cast of Vijay Sethupathi, Madonna Sebastian, Sayesha Saigal, Saranya Ponvannan, Yogi Babu, Radha Ravi, Suresh Chandra Menon and Neha Sharma. Among these two films, Junga has received the appreciation from the audiences for its content and the performances and the Mohini audiences feel that Trisha should have performed better.