” has been in touch with Vijay TV for a long. He had been the judge of the show “Jodi Number 1.” Even after the show, Simbu had been in touch with the channel. The people who get out from the Bigg Boss Tamil show meet Simbu and get some gift from him. Right from "
," it had been happening and the latest to join this category is “
,” the comedy cum villain actor in Kollywood. After getting out from the Bigg Boss Tamil season 2, Sendrayan visited Simbu and get Thirumandiram book autographed in Tamil by Simbu. In the professional front, Simbu will be next scene in
Chekka Chivantha Vaanam
directed by
Mani Ratnam
, which is ready to hit the screens on 27th September 2018. He will be next seen in “Maanadu” directed by
Venkat Prabhu
and a yet to be titled movie with “Sundar C.” The film is the remake of
Attarintiki Daredi
, the super hit Telugu film that has “
Pawan Kalyan
and Samantha Akkineni. Simbu pairs
Megha Akash
in Attarintiki Daredi remake.