Arvind Swamy has been busy playing in Chekka Chivantha Vaanam directed by Mani Ratnam, his mentor. The film has Jyothika Saravanan, Vijay Sethupathi, “Silambarasan,” Arjun Vijay, Aishwarya Rajesh and Aditi Rao Hydari in the star cast. Besides this, he has “Sathuranga Vettai 2” with Trisha Krishnan, “Vanangamudi” with Ritika Singh and “Simran” and “Naragasooran” with Shriya Saran, directed by Dhuruvangal Pathinaaru director Karthick Naren. Besides this, Arvind Swamy has signed doing a film with “K S Ravikumar.” It is heard that Arvind Swamy will make his debut as a director, soon. It is reported that Arvind had chosen the technicians for his debut film. The pre-production works are said to have been going at a quick pace, says a report. Who are playing the lead roles? Who will produce the film? We expect Arvind Swamy to answer these questions, soon!