As new era in Hollywood arises, famous animated characters gave colorful meanings of a story. This man made this happened and defied that being a voice talent could earn him a career. He’s the man behind the most iconic animated characters of all time that cannot be done by any actors. He can do more than hundreds of voices; he is a pioneer actor, voice artist, director and author known as Andrew Clement Serkis. Born on April 20th 1964 in England, United Kingdom. He didn’t right away gained fame not to viewers but producers. He landed various roles starting from 1994’s “Prince of Jutland” as Torsten, and throughout the years he gained popularity to Hollywood industry. He also appeared in the 1996 movie “Stella Does Tricks”, followed by “Mojo” in 1997, as Bill in “
Loop is a Hindi music show. It airs on the B4U Mus >> Read More...
”, as Leo King in “The Tale of Sweety Barrett”, and as Chester in 1999 movie “Five Seconds to Spare.”
Not until in 2001, he landed one of the most iconic characters in the movie “Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring.” He played the role of “Gollum” and the “Witch-King of Angmar.” As Gollum he became also companion of Frodo aside from Sam, as we all don’t know, since Gollum brought him until the end in Mount Doom in the last sequel “Lord of the Rings: Return of the King.” He depicted the weaknesses of all characters in the movie. Gollum is considered to be the most important string of story as a “foil.” Throughout the years he managed to landed small roles not until 2005. He starred as “
King Kong
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” in the same movie title. This is a story of a movie producer (
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) to make a unforgettable movie and encountered a giant ape.
He also made roles in all movies in 2006 including “Extraordinary Rendition” as the Lead Interrogator, as Mr. Grin in the movie “Stormbreaker”, as Mr. Alley in “
The Prestige
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” – where 2 magicians compete for greatness in making ultimate illusion, and as the voice of Spike in the movie “Flushed Away.” He also starred as Erickson in the 2007’s “Muybridge”, followed by “Sugarhouse” as Hoodwink, as David in the 2008 movie “The Cottage”, and a Capricorn in Brendan Fraser’s “Ink Heart” – a story of a daughter found out that his father can turn any character from a book into reality.
He also showed up as Albert Einstein in the TV-film “Einstein and Eddington”, become cast and producer for the movie “Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll”, as William in the movie “Burke and Hare”, as Dr. Adrian King in the 2010’s “
Death of a Superhero
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”, as Mr. Colleoni in 2011’s “Brighton Rock”, and as “Ceasar – the ape lord” in the 2011 blockbuster hit movie “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” – a super intelligent ape that stand as role model king between human and close minded-a-likes. He also played the voice of Sir-Captain Francis Haddock in the 2011 animated film “The Adventures of Tintin” – a story of a “Sherlock Holmes” like kid in animation to help a man regain honor and belief to thy self and at the same time find the wealth of their family. He also worked in the 2012 movie “Wild Bill”, continuously direct and act as Gollum in the movies “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and The Desolation of Smaug.” He also became one of the motion capture consultant for the movie “
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” in 2014, as Ulysses Klaue in the 2015 juggernaut movie “Avengers: Age of Ultron”, and as Supreme Leader Snoke in the movie “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.”