“Dhanush,” who got the box office hit in “Velaiilla Pattadhari 2” has been busy in his next projects. He will be seen next in “Maari 2,” Vada Chennai and a Bollywood film. Dhanush’s maiden Hollywood film, The Extraordinary Journey Of The Fakir had been wrapped up. Today, Dhanush’s VIP 2 Telugu version released amidst huge expectations. Dhanush “Velaiilla Pattadhari” made a hit in Telugu than in Tamil. So, he has been expecting the same in the sequel too. VIP 2 has Kajal Aggarwal, “Samuthirakani,” Amala Paul, Saranya Ponvannan and “Vivek” in the star cast. VIP 2 is directed by Soundarya Rajinikanth.