Bigg Boss Show is the popular show telecasted in Vijay TV. The show hosted by Kamal Haasan had elimination last weekend. Gayathri Raguram was the one, who got out from the show last weekend. As per the wish of “Oviya” fans, Gayathri got out and it was celebrated by the fans of Kalavani heroine. When Gayathri was announced as the one to make an exit from the Bigg Boss Show, one of the fans, who were present during the elimination announcement, questioned Gayathri about Oviya. Gayathri said that she missed Oviya very much after she quit the show. Now, the show is going on with Bindu Madhavi, Ganesh Venkatraman, “Vaiyapuri,” Raiza Wilson, “Aarav,” “Snehan,” Harish Kalyan, Kaajal Pasupathi and Suja Varunee.