Kotigobba 2 is the upcoming bilingual film of “Sudeep” and Mithya Menen. For the first time, they both are sharing the screen space together. “K S Ravi Kumar,” the popular Tamil director directed this film. The entire shooting has been wrapped up and the film is gearing up for the release on the eve of Varamahalakshmi festival, which falls on the 2nd week of August. The audio launch of Tamil version of Kotigobba 2, Mudincha Ivana Pudi will take place in Chennai, today. “
Vijay Sethupathi
and “
” might grace the occasion, says a source. Earlier, the release of the film was planned for July last week. As “
” and
Radhika Apte
starrer, “
” is planned to be released on 22nd July, Kotigobba 2 has been pushed to August. Besides Sudeep, the film has
Prakash Raj
, “
,” “P. Ravi Shankar” Sharath Lohithashwa, “
” and
Sadhu Kokila
are also playing in pivotal roles.