Crime Stories: India Detectives is an Indian documentary series that premiered in 2021 on Netflix. The story takes the viewers on the investigation journey of four different cases; the episodes focus on three murders and a kidnap, which are intriguing to watch as the culprit plays mind games with the detectives. The first episode of the series revolves around the murder of a middle-aged woman while her injured son suspects his sister of the violent crime.
The second episode is based on the same line as the previous one; however, a man's body is found in a bag, and his mother suspects her daughter-in-law and her mother for the brutal crime. The third episode is a murder mystery, as it revolves around the murder of a woman inside her house while her son is out. In the end, witness the Bengaluru city police's dedication as they solve the complicated kidnapping of a toddler.Â
Crime Stories: India Detectives is a Kannada-language Netflix original series. It was created by N Amit and Jack Rampling. It is directed by Jack Warrender. The lead cast of the series includes N. Shashi Kumar Shashi Kumar is born on 2nd December 1965 in Benga >> Read More... as Deputy Commissioner of Police, Roopa K.S. as Sub Inspector, Gopala Nayak as Police inspector, V. Dhananjaya as Assistant Commissioner of Police, B.N. Lohith as Police Inspector, and Latha Mahesh as Sub Inspector.
Watch Crime Stories: India Detectives on the Netflix app.