Love You Abhi is scripted, directed and produced by Kaali Velayudham. Nijil Dhinakar composed the music. Arun Brahma cranked the camera. Pardeep E Raagav edited the series. The series featured Vikram Ravichandran Vikram Ravichandran is an Indian movie actor. In 2 >> Read More... , Aditi Prabhudeva, “Srinath,” Ambika, Sundar Raj, Vinaya Prasad, P. Ravishankar, Lisha, Kempegowda, Srinivasa Murthy, Ashok Sharma, Rachitha Mahalakshmi Meenakshi is a popular, talented and young Tamil t >> Read More... , Chaitra Reddy Chaitra Reddy is a South Indian TV actress. Her ho >> Read More... , Prithvik S, Abhilash Gowda, Chandhranna, and Abhi Guru.
Shiva marries Abhi, who already lost her husband. While she started appreciating his pluses, Shiva doubts that her first husband’s death may not be accidental. Shiradi Shekar, a police officer, was investigating the death case of Abhi’s first husband. Abhi turned out to be the prime suspect in her husband’s death. Was that a murder? Was Abhi innocent? The rest of the series speaks about this.
Star Performance
Vikram is given a complex role to perform. He has given his best, yet, a lot to improve. Aditi has done a good job. Ravishankar is quite decent in his performance. The rest of the stars have done what was required of them.
The director has taken a lot of time to establish the plot. So, the initial episodes are a tad slow. Only after Abhi is suspected and the investigation is started, the series picks up the pace. A few twists and turns are present in the series. Yet, they are not convincingly delivered. The screenplay and some characters lack a grip. Though the script is okay, if the screenplay had been better, it might have given the much-needed shade to the series. The visuals and BGM are neat.
What’s There?
A few performances are good
What’s Not There?
If the screenplay had been developed well, the series might have impressed a few more audience.