The film is on an evil magician who wants to abduct a diamond nose ring that belongs to the goddess of a temple. John (
Bentley Mitchum
Bentley Mitchum, an American actor, has performed >>
), a foreigner who comes to India with his girlfriend Vani (
Jyothika Saravanan
Jyothika is a highly famous Indian cinema artist. >> Read More...
) to please her parents. He befriends a swami who makes John perform the task of saving the diamond nose ring by making him short. If John succeeds in the task, he will make Vani parents agree into their marriage. The movie got released in 2001 and directed by
Singeetam Srinivasa Rao
Singeetam Srinivasa Rao has born on 21st September >> Read More...
Rama Narayana directed the movie and released it in 2001. The story revolves around a non-believer in the God who persuades Karan (Eshwar) to get the golden eye leaves that belong to the goddess which is stuck to a statue and by doing that he would receive a huge amount of money. Eshwar is caught red-handed by ‘Roja’ (incarnation of the Goddess). He kills her and gets the eye leaves to the man. Eshwar marries ‘
Devayani, born as Sushma Jayadev on June 22, 1974, >> Read More...
’ and becomes the father of a child and abuses Devayani for being a God follower and his daughter takes the incarnation of the goddess itself.
'Rajinikanth' is the name that is known in >> Read More...
’ (Baba) who is an incarnation of the great god Baba is born in the earth as an atheist and gets involved in gangs and hits people and drinks and lives a life without a meaning. A beggar takes him to the Maya land where he meets Baba Ji and learns about his Birth History and is astonished. Baba Ji gives him eight mantras to use for the welfare of others but not him and see how things go and makes him believe in God eventually. Baba uses up all the mantras for people in distress and goes back to the place and is into a situation of making his choice between facing a world of misery or staying in heaven as Baba Ji’s follower. Baba takes the decision of going back to the earth and making things proper and create a world of harmony and peace.
Suresh Krishna
Suresh Krishna is a noted actor in the South India >> Read More...
directed the film, and it got released in 2002.
The story is the continuation of the earlier version of the film ‘Amman’ (1995) directed by
Kodi Ramakrishna
Rama Krishna more familiarly known as Kode Rama Kr >> Read More...
. He directed Meendum Amman with
Bhanu Priya
Bhanu Priya or Manga Bhama is a popular Indian TV >> Read More...
being the goddess and another life story of the same plot. The director released it in 2014.
The story is an Autobiographic one based on the life of Sri Raghavendra who is great Saint in the Hindu Mythology on how he dedicated his life to God and attained Mahasamadhi. Rajinikanth is the actor of this film, and it got released in 1985 and S. P. Muthuraman directed the film.
A movie beyond expectations is Naan Kadavul .Directed by ‘
Click to look into! >>
’ starring ‘
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’ and
Pooja Umashankar
Pooja Umashankar is also popularly known as Pooja >> Read More...
. Arya is the son of (Azhagan) who abandoned his child in Kasi on listening to the Aghoris who are believed to be the messengers of Lord Shiva. Arya is bred between them and lives a lifestyle that is different from the society. His father comes in search of him and tries to take him back home after several years. Arya does not listen to him and shouts at him in Hindi. The head of the Aghori tells his dad he serves for God and does not belong to you anymore though he is your family.
The title of the movies means the ten avatars of Lord Vishnu. A scientist talks about how the events in the 12th century are related to the occurrences in the 21st century. The battle between Shaivites and Vaishnaivities is the beginning of the disputes between the Shiva and the Vishnu deities. The Chola kings persuade the Vishnu idol to be sunk in the sea. When a worshipper opposes this he gets tied to idol and is put into the sea for going against the King. In the 21st Century, a Bio-chemical weapon causes Tsunami and after the Tsunami the idol gets washed in the shore. ‘
K S Ravikumar
Director KS Ravikumar(KSR), started his career in >>
’ directed the film, and it got released in 2008.
The film got released in 2000 and K. Rajarathnam and '
R K Selvamani
The movie ‘Pulan Visaranai’ based on the political >> Read More...
' directed the film where a man with evil powers tries to attain Omnipotent by killing babies who are born under particular stars. Roja (Durga) gets married to
Venu Thottempudi
One of the good looking South Indian actor's i >> Read More...
(Pratap), and the have a baby. The man figures this out and starts to hunt for the baby which turns out to be his Granddaughter. He gets into Durga’s body and tries killing the child. ‘
Suvalakshmi is one among the popular actresses in >> Read More...
’ (Ganga) who is the sister of Pratap offers sincere prayers to the goddess, and she comes for rescue.
Ananthan listens to his mother who tells him about their ancestors who were magicians and messengers of Lord Shiva and how the Siva temple in Sivapuram is a very dangerous temple to enter and it is haunted. A Mayavi who lives there kills virgin women and offers to the goddess of evil. Ananthan promises his mother that he will go and light lamps in the temple one day and achieves it after facing all the difficulties. Santhosh Sivan directed the film on 2005.
Meena ('
Kausalya or better known as Nandini is a popular m >> Read More...
') and her brother take care of the goddess Durga by performing rituals to her sculpture on a regular basis, and she blesses them with all the happiness. Life becomes upside down for her when she gets married to Ramesh (Karan) who ill-treats her.
Rama Narayanan
Rama Narayanan was an Indian Producer and Director >> Read More...
is the director of the film it released in 2000.