Biju Sopanam is a Malayalam actor who caught his break in the Malayalam sitcom Uppum Mulakum for the lead role of Balachandran or Balu. The show is directed by R.Unnikrishnan and currently written by Suresh Babu Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Sreerag R.Nambiar, and Afsal Karunagapally. The show premiered on 14th December 2015 and is still on air on Flowers TV. He started his career in 2005 starring in a minor role in the Anwar Rasheed Anwar Rasheed is a famous and highly appreciated d >> Read More... directed Rajamanikyam. He also starred in the 2006 movie Bhargavacharitram Moonam Khandam directed by Jomon starring Mammootty and Padmapriya as well. In 2013, he worked in the Malayalam movie Black Butterfly directed by Rajaputra Ranjith Rajaputra Ranjith is an Indian film director predo >> Read More... and starring Malavika Nair Malavika Nair is a Telugu and Tamil film actress. >> Read More... , Mithun Murali Mithun is a young actor having worked in a few Tam >> Read More... , Samskruthy Shenoy This gorgeous lady was born on 20th November 1998, >> Read More... , and Niranjan in the lead roles. His performance in the TV show Uppum Mulakum gave him recognition among his peers as well as created a strong fan base for him.
His performance on the TV show was noticed by Antony Sony Antony Sony is an Indian Film Director, who has be >> Read More... , the director of the 2017 movie C/O Saira Banu When Saira made her debut in film Junglee, she was >> Read More... . He was approached by Antony to star in his movie despite his time constraints because of his commitment to the TV show. He plays the role of Advocate Subbu in the film starring Manju Warrier Manju Warrier is a South-Indian film actress, born >> Read More... , Shane Nigam Shane Nigam is a Malayali actor. He is the son of >> Read More... and Amala Akkineni Amala is initially known as Amala Mukherjee was bo >> Read More... in the lead roles. In the same year, he starred in the Malayalam horror comedy film Lechmi written and directed by B.N Shajeer Sha. He played the role of Baba Swami in the film and starred alongside Parvathy Ratheesh Parvathy Ratheesh is a South Indian actress; she m >> Read More... , Maanav, Sajeer Ahammed, and Deepu Parassala. Sajeer Ahammed was also the co-writer of the movie. The movie is said to have revitalized the horror comedy genre of the Malayalam movies.
It was a big year for the actor as he also received the Kerala State Television Award for the Best Comedian for his role in Uppum Mulakum along with the show receiving the Best Comedy Programme. He also won the Mangalam Mini Screen Awards for the same role. He has also starred in the movie Ankarajyathe Jimmanmar directed by Praveen Narayanan Praveen Narayanan is an Indian film Director who i >> Read More... which hit the theatres this month. His upcoming movie is Ivide Ee Nagarathil directed by Padmendra Prasad Padmendra Prasad is a Malayalam Writer, Director, >> Read More... . With the success of the TV shows, he is being approached by more projects which have helped him to finally leave his imprint on the movie industry. He has strong roots in the theatre that makes his performance dynamic and grounded. He has been part of the famous Sopanam theatre group founded by Kavalam Narayana Panicker Kavalam Narayana Panicker is an Indian director >> Read More... .