Valli is a web series that premiered on November 20th 2020, on the Popcorn Stories YouTube channel in Malayalam with English subtitles. The YouTube channel is an initiative channel that the director of the series, Anush Krishna Mohan Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , and his friends Thanveer Karim and Ambhu Yogi Bio coming soon... >> Read More... started. The story revolves mainly around a customer care office. Bhanu Prasad Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , belonging to a small town with a caring and gentle mother, is the protagonist. His friends Praveen and Aneeta also work at the same customer care firm, and the plot revolves around the three friends and their work at the firm. Aneeta has a crush on Bhanu but faces challenges regarding the romance throughout the series. The story, at its core, is a light-hearted and funny take on the events in Bhanu’s life.
Each episode has a new event or misadventure in Bhanu’s life to explore. In the meantime, the three co-workers and friends struggle and manage the work-life balance between flirty interruptions, prank calls, and office mishaps. The series stars Sudhin Sasikumar as Bhanu Prasad, Parvathy Das (thatmallucassy) as Aneeta and Varun C P as Praveen, the latter two of the three being famous social media influencers. The director, Anush Krishna Mohan, describes the show’s format as a relatively new concept in Malayalam. He also talks about how his experience in similar workspaces was hugely influential in writing the script for the series.