Valsalyam is the Malayalam series, aired on Surya TV. This show is a combination of drama, romance and action. The show has three-generation leaps which starred Sparsh Khanchandani Sparsh Khanchandani is an Indian child actress who >> Read More... and Ishita Panchal Ishita Panchal, born 1st December 1998, is an Indi >> Read More... ; The show took ten years to leap and starred Tina Datta Tina Dutta is an Indian actress, who is best-known >> Read More... , Rashami Desai Rashami Desai is a well-known television actress, >> Read More... , Nandish Sandhu Nandish was born on 4th May 1976 on Bharatpur, Ind >> Read More... , Rohit Khurana Rohit Khurana was born on 20th November, 1983 and >> Read More... , Gaurav Chopra Gaurav Chopra is a popular, stylish Hindi Televisi >> Read More... and Shanahan Singh in lead roles, The show took another eighteen years leap and comes back with Tina Datta, Sreejita De Sreejita De is an actress and model, hailing from >> Read More... , Saurabh Raj Jain Saurabh Raj Jain is a Hindi television actor, famo >> Read More... , Vikas Bhalla Vikas Bhalla is a well-known actor. He is also a s >> Read More... , Mrunal Jain Mrunal Jain is a prominent Bollywood film and TV a >> Read More... , Ajay Chaudhary Ajay Chaudhary is an Indian TV and movie actor. He >> Read More... and Gaurav S Bajaj in the proximal role that results to be one of the longest TV soap-opera( by episode count).
The story set in Mumbai began with Tapasya Thakur; a young 8-year-old girl becomes friends with her family maid Damini's daughter Ichha Bharti who is of her age and they share a sister-like bond. The two friends from different backgrounds - Ichha Bharti, a maid-servant's poor daughter, and Tapasya Thakur, the child of a wealthy landlord who is rich. Ichha is considerate, innocent, and helpful; on the other hand, Tapasya is self - centered, and only cares for herself and nobody else. Tapasya's grandaunt Sumitra encourages her to see Ichha from a negative point of view. Tapasya is captured by the green eye of jealousy when her parents (Divya and Jogi) care for Ichha, unaware that Jogi was responsible for Ichha's father Rajendra's death.
Sparsh Khanchandani plays the role of Young Ichha. Ishita Panchal plays the role of Young Tapasya. Rashami Desai plays the role of Tapasya Rathore, who is the daughter of Divya and Jogi. She is the childhood friend of Ichha, who was the former wife of Veer and then Raghuvendra's wife and Mukta's mother. Tina Datta plays the role of Ichha Bundela: She was the daughter of Damini and Rajendra. She was the childhood friend of Tapasya. She was Vansh's former wife, and then she became the wife of Veer and Yuvraj and Meethi's mother. Nandish Sandhu/Vikas Bhalla plays the role of Veer Singh Bundela. He is the first child of Gunvanti and Umed. He is Vansh's brother. Tapasya and Amla's former husband, Ichha's husband, and Kanha's adoptive father.
Rohit Khurana plays the role of Vansh Singh Bundela: He is the son of Gunvanti and Umed; Veer's brother; Ichha's former husband. Shanahan Singh plays the role of Siddharth Verma, Tapasya's boyfriend. Gaurav Chopra plays the role of Raghuvendra Pratap Rathore: He is the former husband of Malvika. He is Tapasya's husband and Ambika, and Mukta's father. Tina Datta plays the role of Meethi Chatterjee: She is Ichha and Veer's daughter and Yuvraj's sister and Kanha's adoptive sister; She is Akash's wife; Rani and Tamanna's adoptive mother. Sreejita De plays the role of Mukta Kashyap: She is Tapasya and Raghuvendra's daughter; she is Vishnu's wife and Manav's mother. Saurabh Raj Jain/Bharat Chawda plays the role of Yuvraj Singh Bundela: Ichha and Veer's son; Meethi's brother; Kanha's adoptive brother.
Another version of the Serial...
Vaalsalyam is a family daily drama soap in Malayalam language. The show Vaalsalyam is aired on popular Malayalam entertainment television channel Surya TV. Vaalsalyam is aired on every weekdays from Monday to Friday on Surya TV from 6:00 pm in the evening onward as per IST (Indian standard time). Vaasalyam is the Malayalam version of the hit, successful and popular Hindi mega serial Uttaran which airs in Hindi popular entertainment television channel Colors TV. The show is produced by Mumbai based production house Film Farm India. The story of Vaasalyam is the story of two girls. One rich and the other poor. It is the Malayalam dubbed version of Uttaran.
The plot involves around these two girls, their growing up, jealousy between these two girls and their family. When these two girls grow up, the rich girl Tapasya or Tappu becomes immensely jealous of the other poor girl Iccha who on the other girl is very much loving, caring, affectionate and compassionate and friendly towards Tapasya and considers her best friend. In the turns of events, Tapasya marries Iccha’s love interest intentionally and fames Iccha in various problems which she is totally unaware of. The rest of the plot revolves around their changed relationships and the gradual progression of their lives. The show is an instant success and has been awarded by many television awards and has won the accolades of the viewers also. Actresses 'Tina Dutta' and Rashami Desai are seen in the role of the main female protagonists, while veteran actor Ayub Khan Ayub Khan is a famous Indian Film and TV actor who >> Read More... is seen in this serial in a very important and prominent character role.