Aahat is a horror TV serial that premiered on Sony Aath and revolved around the supernatural world and its existence. The serial focuses on three young individuals struggling with their demons in life and trying to uncover the truth about some occurrences they have previously encountered. Yash Yash alias Naveen Kumar Gowda is a popular star of >> Read More... , Raghav, and Yamini Story soon >> Read More... are three friends who work as paranormal investigators in a paranormal institute. Their boss gives them tasks to investigate different spirits who have entered the human dimension to either get revenge for their deaths or out of pure fun of tormenting people with their mere presence. These three individuals often do their task to capture the spirit in question on their camera or record tapes, following the instructions of their boss. They are often seen to help the people in need of their assistance, even if it means that their own lives are on the line. At the end of the day after the spirit has been sent to the supernatural realm, the balance has been restored in the human world once again. The three friends return to the institute and offer their footage to their boss, who takes it without showing his face.
Whatever happens behind the room is unknown to them as well as the sadistic and menacing laughter that follows is something that bothers them every time they complete the task. However, not all spirits are shown to be mean and angry. Some ghosts and demons are pretty friendly, considering they were good humans once and try to help the people when they need it the most in whatever way they can. If you are into the genre of horror, this serial is perfect for you.