Vijay Awards is one among the highly expected film awards and the Kollywood fans had always loved this award ceremony that had been held in grandeur. The award ceremony was missed in between for various reasons. Now, the channel has been getting ready to host the award event in grandeur, as usual. This is the tenth Vijay Awards event. The star anchors of Vijay TV, “
” and “
” had hosted the award event, many times. This year, “
Ma Ka Pa Anand
” has joined them. This is the first time Ma Ka Pa hosts the Vijay Awards. Vijay TV posted their photo on its Twitter and captioned, “The 3 are gonna rock you by hosting the next big event of the south!!! Purindhor comment seyyalaam.” Following the tweet, the Vijay TV fans guessed it right and commented it as Vijay Awards. The channel has made the people guess the award winners, from now onwards!