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The DD Love!

Wednesday, January 8th, 2020
The DD Love!

Dhivyadharshini Dhivyadharshini is a Tamil TV show host and compe >> Read More... ,” the charming star had been into the media right from her childhood. DD’s sister “Priyadharshini” is also a popular actress cum TV host. Not all the TV hosts get a great fan following. In the late 90s and early 2000s, we have seen a huge craze for Pepsi Uma. DD had already overtaken it a decade ago and had been an uncrowned queen among the anchors in the satellite channel. Wherever she goes, fans gather around her. As she speaks naturally and moves with the people down to earth, she has got a huge number of fans like that of the cinema heroines.

Recently, DD had been on a trip to Sri Lanka with her family. While she got to meet a fan, she couldn’t believe her eyes, as the fan had gone emotional after seeing DD. DD hugged her and consoled her. When DD hugged, the fan couldn’t believe what happens and started saying that she loves DD very much. This emotional moment was beautifully captured and DD posted it on her social networking page. On seeing the video, many had gone emotional and praised DD for her sweet gesture!