,” the romantic comedy entertainer movie will hit the screens on 25th January. The film, which was supposed to make its entry to the silver screens, this December, had been delayed due to some undisclosed production reasons. Recently, the team launched its trailer in grandeur. With the voice over of
Puneeth Rajkumar
, the film had already hyped up its star value.
Nirup Bhandari
Avantika Shetty
play the lead roles and “P Ravishankar” and “
” play significant roles. Arya, the Tamil actor, makes his debut in the film.
Anup Bhandari
, the director of “RangiTaranga,” directed the film. Satish Sastry,
Ajay Reddy
Vishu Dakappagari
and Anju Vallabh produce the film on a large scale under the banner Jolly Hits Production House. Ajaneesh Lokanath composes the Background score and Anup Bhandari composes the songs.
William David
cranked the camera.