“Ishtamkya” is the upcoming film directed by Nagatihalli Chandrashekar. The shooting of the film is wrapped up and the post-production work is going at a brisk pace. The latest buzz on the movie is, Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah will launch the audio on 19th April. A grand event has been arranged by producer Shankaregowda and director Nagatihalli Chandrashekhar for the audio launch at Jnanajyothi Auditorium in Bangalore. Apart from the Karnataka CM, Jnanapeeth Award winner
Chandrashekhara Kambara
Shiva Rajkumar
, “V. Ravichandran,”
Sa Ra Govindu
, cabinet ministers, Mahadeva Prasad, H C Mahadevappa and Umasri will grace the occasion. S V
Rajendra Singh Babu
, the KCA President and Vishukumar, the Information Director are also invited for the grand audio launch.