Rekha is a Popular Malayalam T.V Serial Actress. She started her career when she was16. She played in Nirakootukalm, a series directed by Sreevalsan. After this, she played in Manasu and started bagging many roles in the small screen arena. Her parents, Ratheesh and Radha Devi, were also artists, and that's how she got the acting talent. Though no longer there, her parents surely would have been happy with her acting skills.
Rekha married Yousaf, but sadly the marriage didn’t last long. Later, she married Nirmal Prakash. But Nirmal passed away in 2010. She married Kamal Royand that too didn’t last long. Later, she married Abhilash and has a son Ayaan. Now, she lives in Thiruvananthapuram.
After taking a break from her acting career, Rekha plunged into it through the serial "
," and her comeback won her the Best Actress Award for 2014 in the Asianet Television Awards. She portrays the role of Padmavathi in this hit show.