Srinath is an actor, writer, director, standup comedian, and dubbing artist in the Kannada film industry. He worked in various films and television shows, “3 Gante 30 Dina 30 seconds,” which focuses on the character of Avinash, who is a carefree boy and work as an advocate and Sharmila, who is a young and grown-up daughter of the famous media proprietor and works as an investigative journalist on the topic of corruption. It was released on 19 January 2018 and was directed by Madhusudan G K, “Bombeyaata,” which was released on 23 January 2016 and was directed by Mohan Kumar Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , “Harakeya Kuri,” which revolves around the story of corrupt politicians and their dangerous henchman, who troubles and exploit the people with low incomes hrough systematic abuse of political and muscle power.
It was directed by K. S. L swamy, “Kraurya,” which focuses on the character of rangajji, who is a window and loves to narrate stories to the children of the village . Her life becomes complicated when her son dies in unexpected circumstances. It was released on 20 September 1996 and was directed by Girish Kasaravali, “Maha Edabidangi,” which focuses on the story of some people, who are travelling in a bus to visit a place named Hanasa and also a most significant opportunity for a cameraman to capture the scenic beauty of western ghats. It was directed by K.S.L Swamy, “ Rangi Taranga Click to look into! >> Read More... ,” which focuses on the character of Indu, who travels to her ancestral house with her husband Gautam, who is a novelist as she experiences mutilple nightmares.
However, some supernatural occurrence in the place reveals destails sbout the Gautam’s forgotten past. It was released on 3 July 2015 and was directed by Anup Bhandari Anup is one of the most talented people that we ca >> Read More... , “Naa Ninna Mareyalare,” which focuses on the character of Anand, who is motorcycle racer and meets Usha, who belongs to a wealthy family leading to falling in love with each other. However, Usha’s mother rejected their relationship and married Usha to another man, who is a pilot. It was directed by Vijay, “Mr. Mommaga,” which was released on 28 May 2016 and was directed by N.Raghavan, “Ravana,” which was released on 14 December 2009 and was directed by Yogish Hunsur, “Tapori,” which was released on 14 January 2015 and was directed by Puri Jagannath, “Shubra,” “Dr. Sukanya,” “ Manthana Manthana is one of the greatest serials in the his >> Read More... ,” “Salila,” “ Bachchan Click to look into! >> Read More... ,” “Male Billu,” “Mr. Bhoopathi,” “ Mukta Muktha is a popular Kannada TV show on ETV Kannada >> Read More... ,” “Muthina Tene,” “Paramapada,” “ Silli Lalli Silli Lalli is a comedy serial that is being telec >> Read More... ,” “Krishna Nee Begane Baaro,” “Hasya Taranga,” “ Mussanje Mussanje is a live interactive Kannada music show. >> Read More... ,” “Nighuda,” and “Tirukana Kanasu.”