When you have difficulties, but you still proceed on your desired path and achieve success, it is worthy enough when compared to the success of a normal person. It shows the dedication we give towards our goal, as it is never a matter of greatness, which we achieve out of it, but the self-satisfaction one gets that matters the most. William Bruce Jenner is a live example for that.
A football trainee turned decathlon participant, and an actress, William Bruce Jenner, later called herself Caitlyn Marie Jenner, but famously known as Caitlyn Jenner, was born on October 28, 1949, in Mount Kisco,
New York
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, USA. His parents were Esther Ruth and William Hugh Jenner. She went to Sleepy Hollow High School, New York, and Newton High School, after she got treatment for dyslexia. She graduated in 1968 in physical education from Graceland College. With a football scholarship, she joined Graceland College. She got good training for playing football. Unfortunately, she had to leave the game, because of a knee injury. But the then Olympic decathlete, Jack Parker, convinced her and helped her with training. In the 1976 Montreal Summer Olympics, she won the Olympic Decathlon Title. This title is the biggest in her career as a decathlete. She also had some minor awards in the sports arena.
After she had bidden farewell to the athlete aspects, she tried her hand at acting, writing, and much more. The fact is that till she participated, she was actually a male named Bruce Jenner. He won the Olympic title, and then after a few years, he changed his gender and got approval in September 2015. After he had won the Olympic title, he got the James E. Sullivan Award, and he appeared on many cover pages like Sports Illustrated.
As is said, Caitlyn Jenner became a trans-woman and tried her hand at acting, writing, etc. She played a role in Can't Stop The Music, but it was a flop. However, as a part of the film, she got a nomination for the Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actor. She appeared in some television movies like The Olympic Love Story, and White Tiger, and then she shared her experiences regarding dyslexia in Learn to Read, which made a beautiful plotline. He even appeared in some game shows like The American Sportsman, and The Weakest Link. ‘I am Cait’ is her talk show. In that, she talked about her experiences of gender transition. Apart from this, she is also the most successful transgender woman.