Peter Landesman is an American writer, in all forms of the written word. He is a journalist at heart and has written many articles for big and respected papers and magazines, such as The New York Times Magazine, The New Yorker, and many more.
He has addressed explicit issues in all of his articles, which pertain to topics of sex trafficking, refugee trafficking, global arms trafficking, smuggling of antiques and art, as well as various genocides that occurred throughout the world. He had a strong opinion on the unrest occurring in Kosovo, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, pafer the tragedy that was 9/11.
These were thoroughly investigated before being put to paper, which stands to reason as to how authentic a writer Landesman is. His talents do not end here – the American writer is also a producer, film director, novelist, and painter. His career into the world of media began when he published his first book in the year 1995, titled
The Raven
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, which won the author the American Academy of Arts and Letters Sue Kaufman Prize for First Fiction.
His career is as writer uplifted from there when he wrote an article titled The Girls Next Door which was also published in The New York Times Magazine. The article details out the prominent issue of sex trafficking of underage and young girls throughout the United States of America, which brought about public outrage against it, by many prominent personalities such as Daniel Radosh, an American writer and blogger, who challenged the authenticity and morality of the piece. This public dispute was made into a national sensation as the story was picked up by various press companies, and finally received the critical fame that the topic deserved for it to be adapted into a cinematic film story for the big screen.
Called Trade, the film was released in 2007 and follows the story of a young man’s attempt to rescue his young sister from the perils of human trafficking. Peter Landesman, however, had his big break with his debut as a film director with the movie Parkland. An international sensation, this film was based on the events of the assassination of John F. Kennedy on the 22nd of November, 1963.
It has an A-list cast with actors such as
Zac Efron
Zac Efron is the debonair screen icon in Hollywood >> Read More...
James Badge Dale
James Badge Dale is the professional name of James >> Read More...
taking the stage and is loosely based off the book Four Days in November: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy by Vincent Bugliosi. Since then, Landesman has written and directed countless blockbusters with phenomenal storylines and cast, such as the sports drama, Concussion, which was released in 2013, starring Will Smith.
Like all his works, this also tackles raging issues in the society and follows the perils of continued accidents and diseases that spread in football players due to repeated concussions and injuries. He also directed the 2017 thriller, Mark Felt: the Man Who Brought down the White House, with
Liam Neeson
I don't know who you are. I don't know wha >> Read More...
as the pivotal actor. It follows the political propaganda of the whistleblower Mark Felt, and all the drama revolving around President Nixon. Landesman has many upcoming projects in store for his career, with contracts set up between him and Warner Bros for a future blockbuster, and many more similar hits.