Season four of the popular fantancy series 'Game of Thrones' aired between April 6, 2014, and June 15, 2014. Its premiere took place in the United States of America on the channel HBO. This season holds a total of ten episodes. It is a carry forward of the previous three seasons which fared spectacularly well. Its adaptation took place from the second fragment of 'A Storm of Swords'. It also possesses elements from 'A Dance with Dragons' and 'A Feast for Crows'. These are all works of George R. R. Martin. The filming of this season primarily took place in Croatia, Ireland, and Northern Ireland. Every part of this show, from production values to cast members, received immense appreciation from critics. This season had a higher viewership as compared to the previous season. It stood for 19 Emmy Awards nominations.
Out of these, it successfully bagged four. The first episode of this season was 'Two Swords’. In this, a Stark ancestral sword’s (Ice) reshaping into two new swords takes place. One of these swords is for Jaime who is in the process of overcoming grief. He had lost his sword hand and Cersei's love. The second episode was 'The Lion and the Rose’. Cersei blames Tyron for the death of Joffrey, who yield to poisoned wine. This incident had taken place post a quarrel between the two. Also in this episode, Tyron brings an end to his relationship with Shae. 'Breaker of Chains' was the third episode. Tommen receives grooming to become the next King. Baelish turns into a murderer. Alex Graves directed this episode. The following chapter ran by the name 'Oath Keeper’. Michelle MacLaren directed it.
Daenerys captured Meereen in this. Jaime has a meeting with Tyrion. Efforts are made to make it possible for Jon to lead the expedition against the insurgents. The fifth episode was 'First of His Name’. The crowning of Tommen as King takes place. Baelish receives pressure to marry Lisa. Hound caught Arya while she was practicing her water dancing. The following was 'The Laws of Gods and Men’. Seaworth re-secures Saan and his pirates. Daenerys tries to adapt to her new role as the Queen. The seventh chapter was 'Mockingbird’. Alik Sakharov directed it. Jaime and Brone decline the offer asking them to fight for Tyrion. Oberyn kills Clegane. The eighth episode ran by the name 'The Mountain and the Viper'. Mole's town sees attacks from the wildlings. Tywin decides to sentence Tyrion to death. The second last episode was 'The Watchers on the Wall,' and the last was 'The Children’.