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Southern Film Industry Is Against GST! Kamal Strongly Opposes It!

Friday, June 2nd, 2017
Southern Film Industry Is Against GST! Kamal Strongly Opposes It!

The Central Government has levied GST to the cinema and it has been getting negative comments from the film industry people. Suresh, the Southern Film Chamber of Commerce’s leader says that he welcomes GST but says that 28% taxation is too much and it should be minimized to 12% to 18%. With this high taxation technique, the cinema industry will definitely be affected, fears Suresh. He also states that the cinema reflects the society and hence the tax should be minimized to make the people visit the theaters.  
Ulaga Nayagan Kamal says that with the GST, the piracy should never be controlled and GST also paves the way for black money. Kamal Haasan Kamal Haasan is the most versatile actor that Indi >> Read More... also said that although Bollywood industry accepts GST, the Tamil film industry would never accept it.