America Mappillai is a Tamil comedy web series aired in Zee 5. The story is scripted by Raja Rama Murthy. Directed by Praveen Padmanabhan, Monica Kumar is the editor for the series America Mappillai and the Theme music composed by RH Vikram RH Vikram is a Tamil film field music director who >> Read More... . Zee Entertainment Enterprises is the distributor for the America Mappillai series. America Mappillai revolves around the central character Ganesh, who was born in India but living in America. Ganesh's father forces him to marry as soon as possible, but Ganesh does not want to marry. The title of the series itself narrates the story behind America Mappillai.
America Mappillai means "Groom from America" in the Tamil Language. Ganesh has a gay friend, who suggests him to act as gay to escape from marriage. Ganesh acts as gay in front of his family. In the "America Mappillai" series, the lead roles played by Raja Krishna Moorthy, Arjun Chidambaram Arjun Chidambaram is a Tamil film actor. He was bo >> Read More... as Ganesh, Leela Samson Leela Samson is an Indian classical dancer, author >> Read More... as Vasantha, Gokul Anand Gokul Anand is a Tamil Movie Actor. His first debu >> Read More... as Karthik and Rakesh Ram Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . The series premiered on 14 February 2018 on Zee 5.