,” the talented actor made his debut as an actor through En Rasavin Manasile. Rajkiran says that he plays only in the films that have a social message. But, the actor revealed a truth that he has a bad habit of smoking. Yes, Rajkiran reveals that while directing movies he had smoked 160 cigarettes per day (Oh My God!). He says that now he is smoking 19 cigars per day. Although it is a good change, smoking 19 cigars are still injurious to health. Rajkiran, who has a lot of social interest, should avoid this habit for the society and also for his family. Rajkiran is at present expecting the release of
Power Paandi
/ Pa Paandi directed by “
.” The film has “
,” “
Chaya Singh
Robo Shankar
, “
Vidyullekha Raman
and many others. Dhanush,
Gautham Menon
Madonna Sebastian
play guest roles in the film. Stay glued with us for the latest updates!