Rajkumar is an Indian film director who predominately works in Kannada Cinema Industry. He had been an actor and singer. In his film career as an actor, he has been awarded eight times for Filmfare awards in the best actor category. His successful movies include Gandhada Gudi, Mayura, Shankar Guru Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Keralida Simha, Shravana Banthu, Ade Kannu, Bhagyada Lakshmi Baramma, and Aakasmika.
Anant Nag is an Indian film actor who has worked in the Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, English and Hindi cinema Industries. He had been an actor and politician. In his film career as an actor, he has been awarded six times for Filmfare awards in the best actor category. His successful movies include Naa Ninna Bidalaare Ever imagined what it would feel like for someone >> Read More... , Bara, Hendthighelbedi, Udbhava, Gauri Ganesha, and Godhi Banna Sadharana Mykattu.
Vishnuvardhan is an Indian film director who predominately works in Kannada Cinema Industry. He had been an actor and singer. In his film career as an actor, he has been awarded four times for Filmfare awards in the best actor category. His successful movies include Suprabhatha, Haalunda Thavaru, Yajamana, and Apthamithra.
Shiva Rajkumar is an Indian film director who predominately works in Kannada Cinema Industry. He had been an actor, television host, and producer. In his film career as an actor, he has been awarded four times for Filmfare awards in the best actor category. His successful movies include Om, Nammoora Mandara Hoove, AK-47, and Thamassu.
Puneeth Rajkumar is an Indian film director who predominately works in Kannada Cinema Industry. He had been an actor, television host, singer and producer. In his film career as an actor, he has been awarded four times for Filmfare awards in the best actor category. His successful movies include Arasu, Hudugaru, Rana Vikrama, and Raajakumara.
Sudeep is an Indian film actor who has worked in the Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Hindi cinema Industries. He had been an actor, television host, director, singer and producer. In his film career as an actor, he has been awarded three times for Filmfare awards in the best actor category. His successful movies include Huchcha, Nandhi, and Swathi Muthu Swathi Muthu has become a household name in the Ka >> Read More... .
Lokesh is an Indian film director who predominately works in Kannada Cinema Industry. He had been an actor, director, and producer. In his film career as an actor, he has been awarded two times for Filmfare awards in the best actor category. His successful movies include Bhootayyana Maga Ayyu and Ellindalo Bandavaru.
Ramesh Aravind is an Indian film actor who has worked in the Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi cinema Industries. He had been an actor, director, screenwriter and television host. In his film career as an actor, he has been awarded two times for Filmfare awards in the best actor category. His successful movies include Hoomale and Amrutha Varshini Amrutha Varshini is a Telugu serial that started p >> Read More... .
Ganesh is an Indian film director who predominately works in Kannada Cinema Industry. He had been an actor, director, producer and television host. In his film career as an actor, he has been awarded two times for Filmfare awards in the best actor category. His successful movies include Gaalipata and Maleyali Jotheyali.
Yash is an Indian film director who predominately works in Kannada Cinema Industry. In his film career as an actor, he has been awarded two times for Filmfare awards in the best actor category. His successful movies include Mr and Mrs Ramachari and K.G.F: Chapter 1.