Malayalam TV actress Sini was born in Kasargod, Kerala. Sini Aleyamma Varghese aka Sini did her schooling from CJHSS, Kasargod, and graduation from Kannur University. At very young age, Sini was trained in classical dance and used to participate in various programs in schools and college. She is also from the same town, where renowned Malayalam actress
Kavya Madhavan
Sini started her career with TV serial 'Koottukary' directed by Prasad under the banner of Balaji Productions which was aired by Surya TV. After the success of her first TV serial, Sini started getting offers from other production banners. 'Rudra Veena' and '
' which telecasted later were huge HIT among Malayalam TV viewers. Sini with her character Suhara got wide applause from TV critics for Vayalar Madhavan Kutty's historical epic named 'Kunjali Maraykkar'. Sini is famous for her negative touch character on serials. On '
', Sini steal the show with cruelty character role of '
', who want to kill the wife of her old boy friend 'Prashanth'. Sini has also signed up for 'Sthree Oru Devatha' TV serial that will be telecast on Asianet.
Sini Varghese is also popular in Malayalam and Tamil films. Recently, she made her debut in Malayalam with '
Ulsaha Committee
', directed by
Akku Akbar
. She was also a part of the critically acclaimed movie '
' directed by
Madhav Ramadasan
. While acting under Balaji Productions for TV serials, Sini also got a few chances in few Tamil films as well. 'Kondan Koduthan' was her debut movie in Tamil.