Home English English Producer

Jonathan Dern

English Producer Jonathan Dern
  • Gender : Male
Written By - Team Nettv4u

Jonathan Dern is an English producer who worked in many animated series in the Hollywood film industry. He completed his studies at California State University, Northridge, and in his early days joined as an executive producer in MGM Animation and worked there for seven years till 1999.

After this, he joined Cinedigm Digital Cinema Corporation as a President in 2007 and presently he is the CEO of SD entertainment / The Bigger Picture/ Kidtoon Films and the Dabrad entertainment. The former co-head of MGM animation that is Jonathan Dern and Paul Sabella   Paul Sabella is a much-known producer who also >> Read More... also own Sabella Dern Entertainment which was a property development studio. He is one of the most experienced producers who create such branding entertainment that connects audiences and consumers on every screen.

Dern worked with one of the biggest brand partners in the world which includes Sinclair, Hallmark, HIT, Hasbro, Amazon, and Disney. He was also an executive in charge of production in the groundbreaking 3D capture of eighty hours of live music from five music festivals which includes Mile High, All Points West, ACL, and many others.

Some of the biggest releases of Jonathan includes Hydee and the Hytops in 2012, Bob the builder in 2010, Bob the Builder: Big Dino Dig in 2011, Care Bears: The Giving Festival Movie in 2010, Care Bears to the Rescue in 2010, My Little Pony: Rainbow Dash's Special Day in 2009, My Little Pony: A very Pony place in 2006, Say it with Noody in 2005, Noddy Saves Christmas in 2004, An all dogs Christmas Carol in 1998, Dazzle the Dinosaur in 1994, and many others. Jonathan Dern is also a well-recognized producer in the English animated series and will continue to share his work.


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