Douglas Eric Liman is an American producer and director. He was born on 24 the July in the year 1965 in
New York
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. His parents were Ellen and Arthur L. Liman. His father was a lawyer and worked for the social causes. He had a keen interest in serving the public. He served as Chief Counselor for the Iran Contra case. His mother was a writer, and painter. He grew up as a Jewish. Lewis and Emily are his siblings.
Douglas had the interest in making films. He started composing films while he was studying in the New York at International Center of Photography. He attended Brown University. In his college days, he helped some students to start a TV station called BTV. He became the first manager at that centre. He founded the NACB with the help of his father’s relations with the CBS. NACB is National Association of College Broadcasters. It was the first association started to set up some student initiated radio and TV stations. He completed his graduation from the University of California in the US. During his college in1993, he had done a thriller cum comedy picture titled as Getting In.
Liman started his director career from Swingers. The writer of the photoplay decided to cast only well-established actors. Later, they starred Favreau, Patrick Van Horn,
Vince Vaughn
Vincent Vaughn aka Vince Vaughn is originally from >> Read More...
, and Ron Livingston. It is a comedy screenplay based on the lifestyles of unemployed and single actors of Eastsid California. The struggling actors became stars after this super hit. Doug won the tag of Best Filmmaker for MTV Award. Critics gave positive reviews.
On Rotten Tomatoes, it scored a rating of 87%. Liman, after getting success, he sold it for 5.5 million dollars to Miramax.
Liman’s next production was Go, which came in 1999. It was crime cum comedy that was directed by Doug. John August wrote it. It featured
Katie Holmes
Born two months premature, Katie Holmes is the dau >> Read More...
William Fichtner
A fascinating actor William Edward Fichtner is >>
, Sarah Polley, Scott Wolf, and
Jay Mohr
Jon Ferguson Cox Mohr, popularly known as Jay Mohr >> Read More...
. It applauded by the critics. On Rotten Tomatoes, it collected up to 92% ratings. It garnered up to 28.4 million dollars collection.
In 1999, Liman presented an ad for Nike. His screenplays were highly appreciated. In 2002,
The Bourne Identity
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released. He directed and produced the episodes of Premiere and The Model Home. He came up with some comedy shows. In 2005, he made Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Angelina Jolie
Who will not be stung with her “pouting lips?” Ang >> Read More...
Brad Pitt
He’s one of the most accomplished actors of our ti >> Read More...
were the actors. In 2005, he made the episodes of Heist. In 2010, he made a Fair game under his direction.
In 2011, Liman produced-cum-directed Just Want My Pants Back. In 2014, Edge of Tomorrow released. His upcoming movie is Mena.