Sangeetha Samagamam was a Malayalam show which was a reality musical show screened on Amrita TV. It was telecasted on the channel on Sunday evenings at 7:30 p.m. It was the most watched show of the channel at the time when it was released on the television. Sangeetha Samagamam was hosted by Dr. M.K. Muneer who was the education minister of Kerala and a medical doctor. He is a great singer, painter and actor who has worked in a lot of movies. He has won the prizes for the Best Singer, Best Actor and the Best Painter at Intermedia competitions. There are no words to describe him! Sangeetha Samagamam musical show or I should say it’s the reunion show of music in which great singers of the musical industry united and created new masterpieces in melody and showcased their great talent.
The theme of the show was to create new fusion music or can say “avatars” with the trait of remembrances of the old ones. Perhaps they didn’t trace the origin of the music, they just used it to reveal the persona of the man, say it a music director or a singer. The first show of Sangeetha Samagamam which was hosted by the Dr. M.K. Muneer was dedicated to Bharathan the famous director of the industry of Kerala. For this, most of the crew members and the cast of Bharathan films came together in the studio for the shoot of the show. All the artist did their best and showed their talent on the stage.
The show in its time proved to be a great stage for showcasing our hidden talents in front of great singers and gave an opportunity to work with the celebrated artists of the music industry. We can say that Sangeetha Samagamam was a show in which gathering of so many talented people took place on the same stage and everything went so smooth and systematically. Many people from different fields of cinema industry took part. Their union on the same stage was the reason behind the making of such great melodies which are famous these days too. It is all about the togetherness of people that it was a success among viewers when the show was in process.