Sanmanassullavarkku Samadhanam is a Malayalam comedy TV serial which is telecasted on Asianet. Suraj Venjarumoodu is the protagonist of the serial. It has a runtime of twenty minutes. It has aired over two hundred episodes. It used to be aired on Mondays to Fridays, at 9:30 PM. It is a family show which revolves around a family in Kerala. In Sanmanassullavarkku Samadhanam, Suraj is seen acting with his famous Trivandrum accent. It is a story about his family and their daily life problems.
Each episode brings in new problem and they have to deal with it. There are a lot of recurring actors. These actors play the role of various characters. It is a funny depiction of a middle-class family. Suraj lives with his son, his wife and their children. He loves to play with his grandchildren but doesn't like their mother. They always get into fights for the silliest of things. Every day they fight and the winner of that day's fight gets to sleep peacefully. They try to undermine each other in front of their friends. The kids meanwhile enjoy the show which is being put up for them. His son acts like he is busy working, but he wants to get away from all the trouble.
The neighbors keep coming to them, asking for things and never returning it. The neighbors pose a problem for the Venjarumoodu family. By the end of the show, they would have solved the problem. In the next episode, New fights arise and new problems are being solved. Despite all this, it does has something for the kids to learn. Suraj teaches his grand-kids the importance of manners. It is the only time when there is no fight between the two.
Suraj is single and would like to find somebody who is ready to be with him. He doesn't want anybody of his age, but rather wants a twenty-something girl. He goes around the city in search of that perfect girl but ends up being beaten up by the general public. His son is never around, and this casts doubt in his mind. He thinks that he is into something, and he doesn't know about it. Whatever be the differences, he cares about his daughter in law and wouldn't want to see her being hurt. She on the hand despises him and would never care for him. The kids are busy in their world, and they don't care about the events happening in the house.