“CLASSMATES” is a TV serial revolving around the life of group of high school kids. The show is entirely based on the life of kids who are on the final two years of their schooling. The main plot of the story revolves around Vineeth, Sanghavi, Raghavi, Pachai, Pandi, Unni, Rishi, Jo, Krish, and Bala. The show touches the back story of all the above characters thus making it easier to connect with the characters. The show takes none of the clichéd approach to the drama thus keeping the originality of school days making it easier for students to connect to the show. Though the show has fair bit of drama in it, it is not overplayed or dragged out making it a pleasant and interesting viewing. The show touches all the emotions among the students such as competitiveness, jealously, love, friendship, revenge etc. The show usually carries a lighter note of comedy throughout. All the main characters families are explored whenever necessary providing us with the dynamics between their parents.
The show is currently being aired on ASIANET TV Monday to Friday at 9 pm slot. The show is a dubbed version of Tamil serial “KANA KAANUM KAALANGAL” which was a huge hit in its native language. With the utmost care and professionalism showed in the dubbing process it never feels like a dubbed series. The show has garnered positive reviews even among the elder audiences as it brings back the memory of good olden days of their school life.
PS: The show is aired on ASIANET TV Monday to Friday at 9 pm.