Playback singer “Suchitra” had been in trouble as her Twitter account had been hacked and private photos and videos of some actors and actresses were leaked. When the account had been blocked, a new account was started in the name Suchileaks and the video uploads continued. “Dhanush,” Rana Daggubati, Trisha Krishnan, Sanchita Shetty, “Dhivyadharshini,” Anuya, Anirudh Ravichander, Andrea Jeremiah, “Selvaraghavan” and many stars’ intimate dealings were leaked. However, they claimed it as morphing and it is not them in those photos and videos. Now, a similar kind of video leak has been rolling in the name of Nivetha Pethuraj. The stars should be a bit more careful so that they could avoid this sort of unnecessary leaked videos. Nivetha has been busy working with Udhayanidhi Stalin in Podhuvaga Em Manasu Thangam and with Jayam Ravi in Tik Tik Tik.