“Viswasam” is the upcoming film scripted and directed by “Siva.” The film has Ajith Kumar, “Nayanthara,” “Vivek,” Kovai Sarala, Yogi Babu, Thambi Ramaiah, Robo Shankar, Ramesh Thilak and Bose Venkat. So far the villain of the movie was not revealed and now the information from a source revealed that “Thandavam,” “Bairavaa” and “Lingaa” villain, Jagapati Babu plays the antagonist in Thala Ajith’s Viswasam. However, we have to wait for the team to reveal the details. The film is produced by Sathya Jyothi Films. “D Imman” composes the tunes. Vetri cranks the camera and “Antony L Ruben” edits the film. The film is all set to hit the screens for Pongal 2019.