“Suchitra,” the playback singer, who has been stuck in a controversy of posting some private pictures of the popular celebrities, is getting more famous nowadays. Although she said that her account is hacked and she had made a complaint in the cyber crime, Suchi has appointed a private investigation agency to probe in. Meanwhile, a post on her Twitter account has received a great response from the Netizens but has made the celebrities shiver. The person operating Suchi’s account posted that Rana Daggubati – Trisha Krishnan, Chinmayi Sripaada – Anirudh Ravichander, “S Shankar” – “Anuya,” “Dhanush” – Amala Paul, Dhanush – Parvathi and Andrea Jeremiah – Selva’s intimate photos will be revealed soon. So, the celebrities are sitting with their fingers crossed and Suchi is coolly releasing statements that her account is hacked.